Q&A with Zencoder about Cloud Video Encoding

When we introduced automatic video encoding back in December, it was a very welcome addition to our video collaboration service. People can now upload virtually any format and we'll take care of making sure that it plays back on desktops, advanced smartphones, and tablets.

We had clear priorities about the quality, encoding speed, and reliability levels that were required from the encoding system. Since the release, we've been really happy with its performance. We have received great feedback about the quality of the videos. The queue time before we start processing videos has been very short (less than 15 seconds), and videos are encoded faster than real-time.

To meet our encoding objectives, we integrated ScreenLight with Zencoder, which is the leading cloud-based video and audio encoding service. We spoke with them last week about our service, our responsiveness to customer needs, and why we chose Zencoder. Check out the Q&A on Zencoder's site if you are interested in learning more about our encoding decision.